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Catholic Middle NTI

A Letter from OCMS Principal, Olivia Schilke 

Dear OCMS Families, 

Non-Traditional Instruction is not how I had hoped to be spending my first year as principal here at OCMS, but I believe myself to be an optimist and I know that our teachers and students are appropriately prepared to make the temporary transition to virtual learning. 

Our OCMS Padlet will be your one-stop shop for all of your virtual learning needs. You can access it using the following link: OCMS Padlet.

Be watching for additional information via email in the coming weeks as we continue to work towards better ways to serve you. If you or your family has any questions or needs that we can assist with during this time please contact your child’s teacher or reach out to me, at [email protected].  


  “We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength.” Philippians 4:13 

Olivia Schilke, Principal
Owensboro Catholic Middle School