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Extracurricular Activities & Athletics

Excellence in Extracurricular Activities and Athletics

Owensboro Catholic Schools strive to provide quality enrichment activities that foster positive relationships, diligence, responsibility, and collaboration. From competitive varsity athletics to elementary intramural programs and from chess club to robotics club, there is a wide array of activities offered to our students which foster a well-rounded student.

Student playing the flute.

Student representatives of the various sports.

Program Highlights

  • A full offering of competitive varsity, junior varsity, and middle school  sports programs foster teamwork, diligence, and dedication.
  • Organized elementary intramural sports programs foster positive social interactions with peers in a group setting while preparing students for more competitive sports in the upper grade levels.
  • Various activities, such as Band, National Honor Society, International Club, and Chess Club, provide well-rounded educational experiences that allow students to pursue their interests and prepare students for future success.