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ACES Committees

A Collaborative Vision for OCS!

The foundation for success in the OCS community is a common, collaborative vision. To become the best school we can be and fulfill our mission, it is critical our school community collaborates and cooperates to develop common goals and establish action steps to achieve those goals.

To streamline this process and focus our efforts, the ACES Pillars have been identified:

  1. Academics
  2. Catholicity and Discipleship
  3. Extracurricular Activities and Athletics
  4. Stewardship

In addition to the Education Council, committees have been created to address each of the pillars. The committees consist of administrators, teachers, and Education Council members. The responsibility of the committees includes identifying strengths and weaknesses, developing school-wide goals, and implementing annual strategic plans. The objective is to establish collaborative K-12 committees that positively impact the quality of our school program through an advisory role and a common vision.

Committee Purpose Statements

Education Council: Ensure accountability and effective long term school management by staying informed of school strategic planning and decision making, acting as a liaison between the school and Parish, and providing an advisory stakeholder voice during the school management process.

Academics: Develop a cohesive, collaborative, K-12 approach fostering academic excellence in the essential skills areas of reading, writing, math, and 21st century technology.

Catholicity and Discipleship: Develop a cohesive, collaborative, K-12 approach ensuring Catholic teachings and discipleship are the foundation and focus in every classroom, school, and program at OCS.

Extracurricular Activities and Athletics: Develop a cohesive, collaborative, K-12 approach ensuring quality and competitive extracurricular and athletic programs at OCS.

Stewardship: Develop a cohesive, collaborative, K-12 approach ensuring a sustainable, thriving, world-class Catholic education in Owensboro, Kentucky for future generations.

*All OCS committees are advisory in nature and provide valuable feedback and input to the leadership of the school. However, all decision making responsibilities rest in the hands of the Episcopal Vicar, Director, and Building Principals.