OCMS Open Gym for Volleyball


Beginning June 5, open gyms will be held at the K3 Campus from 5 to 6:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays through June 21. 



Due to KHSAA regulations, tryouts cannot be held until after July 15th. Therefore, 7th and 8th grade tryouts will be held July 16th at 5:30pm at the K3 Campus. 


On July 17th, 6th graders are required to attend player evaluations beginning at 5:30pm at the K3 Campus. 


Please note: Teams will have to be formed and practices will have to start that same week of tryouts due to the limited number of days to prepare our teams for the first game in August. 


Questions please call Sara Murphy 270-314-1739 or Beth Merchant 314-604-8465.