OCMS Counseling

Hello!  My name is Leah Schwindel, and I am blessed to be the Counselor for Owensboro Catholic Middle School.  I am so thankful to be able to work with, guide, and support our students through these formative years. I use a variety of counseling styles to meet individual student needs as well as small group needs.  Middle school years can be a tough time for students and parents, but it can also be a time that we see so much growth in all areas within your child.  Middle schoolers are beginning to understand and experience more complex emotions and social situations. As they gain more independence from adults, they are expanding their peer relationships, learning how to navigate group dynamics and resolve conflicts.  Building trust and confidence with our students is key to successful counseling.   

Program Planning

Course scheduling, guidance curriculum, and ILPs (Individual Learning Plans), are all components of the school guidance counselor’s hand in program planning. This planning requires the collaboration of teachers, parents, students, and other administrative staff. Planning for incoming 7th graders and for rising high school freshmen requires special coordination between the OCS 4-6 Campus, OCMS, and OCHS.

School Support

Additional school support is provided for OCMS students by helping to create, cultivate, and sustain a culture of achievement. Communication and colloboration with parents, teachers, and administrators is key to best meet the needs of our students. We strive “to provide excellence in Catholic faith formation and academics which prepare students to become responsible individuals as well as members of their family, Church, and community” (OCS Mission Statement).

Needs beyond guidance counseling will be communicated to parents and references may be made available if outside counseling is suggested or requested by the student.

“To have courage for whatever comes in life–everything lies in that.”
– St. Teresa of Avila